Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Greetings all and welcome to "The DM's Journey"!

This blog will be an ongoing record of the DM campaign I'm running with some friends. When we play, funny things happen and we'd love for others to be able to share in the fun.

We will be playing 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, with some of our own house rules thrown in of course. The world we're playing in is a homebrewed world. I've used it twice before for campaigns, and I'm taking the same physical world and advancing it ahead a couple hundred years to come to our current setting.

The world consists of multiple continents. The main continent used to be one kingdom named Cenala, ruled by a king. Its style was that of the "standard" Dungeons and Dragons (medieval fantasy). There was a slightly smaller island named Lak'damia. It was home to the Imperial Legion. It was an empire run by a man named Jaren. He united his empire under the mantra of the hatred of magic and all things magical, claiming them to be evil and an abomination against his "one true God".

He took over Cenala, working to eradicate anything magical within.

The very large continent to the north is a frozen tundra. Few can survive there. It was inhabited by a group of tribes. These tribes were eventually united under one leader named Rivek Bearclaw and his sister Rina. The previous party of adventurers (PCs) went through trials and were accepted as part of this Northern tribe (some were already part of it, but were exiled for various reasons). They set out, along with Rina Bearclaw, to meet with the tribes of the southern continent in an attempt to get them to join a growing rebellion against Jaren and the Imperial Legion.

The shaman in the group fell in love with Rina, as they had been together growing up as girls in the same tribe.

The southern tribes were nomadic, rarely coming anywhere near a city. The bulk of the southern continent is desert and the tribes would move from oasis to oasis. The PCs set off to find these tribes. Not much is known about what happened to this group. Many believed that they died on the sands, never having found the southern tribes. Some believe they died in combat, others think perhaps they went to another plane and just haven't returned yet.

The tribes were never able to join forces, and while they did try to rebel separately, they were easily crushed by the might of the Legion. Jaren ruled much of the known world for many years. It was a brutal time. Many of the magical beings became refugees and sought out life on some of the smaller islands or in remote places. Many of them moved to the island of Ungor, where even the Imperial Legion feared to tread. The island was well known for being inhabited by all manner of undead and evil things. The people on the island now live in heavily fortified cities to try and keep them safe from the undead and other evils of the island.

Jaren eventually died, no one really knows how he died, but when he did he had no heir and the empire crumbled. The lands were split up among many "kings" and "lords" who now hold petty squabbles over these lands. There are constant fights and wars among these different "nations".

The current campaign will be starting on Ungor, in the city of Arafa.

They are being called to meet with Kotan, the founder and leader of a group called "The Iron Merchants" a mercenary/adventuring group.

I'm going to attempt to keep this blog updated (we're planning to play every other week or so) as best I can... On the off weeks I'm hoping to make posts about the world of being a DM, perhaps some tricks and tips and really anything else I find interesting in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

I'll also happily post any information requested (at least that I have) on the world I've created, in case people would like to use it for themselves (even if as just a base).

Thanks for reading!

Your Humble DM,

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