As an aside to this post, we started with Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition, but are deciding to change over to 4th edition as we are finding we prefer it (most of the group is much more familiar with 4th, and I have a great deal more experience DMing 4th edition)
The week started with some brief introductions, which I was planning to post here, but I'm going to hold off until after the next session so I don't have to go back and retcon any characters that people choose to change (with the update to 4e)
The basic story (trying to be a little vague here on the characters themselves - see above)
The characters are recruited by "The Iron Merchants" a mercenary/adventuring company located on the island of Ungor, in the port city of Arafa.
They were asked to head to a small town named Ebana, located to the north of Arafa. The town is having a problem with people disappearing in the woods outside the walls of the town. They have been closing the gates at dusk every day and not allowing people to leave while it's dark out, but they're still losing people. The PCs are being dispatched on behalf of TIM to deal with the problem however they deem necessary.
The group sets off after being outfitted with mounts and provisions by the company. The ride to Ebana is a couple of hours at most and they decide to speak to the guard at the gates about the problem. He explains that people have been going missing. Upon further search in the city, they find out that the last group of five people (3 travelers and 2 soldiers) that left the city did so approximately a day and a half ago and has not been heard from since shortly after. The heroes are able to determine that they left through the eastern gate of Ebana, which is the path most often taken, it leads to the main path through the island, which is the best way to reach the other cities and towns on the Ungor.
They set out and find a small path into the dense underbrush leading to a small clearing. In the clearing, they find a hastily abandoned camp. While searching the camp, they are set upon by four human zombies, all dressed in the manner of the villagers or soldiers of Ebana.
They defeat the zombies and bring one of their heads back to Ebana for identification. They verify that he was from the town but they are pretty sure something else is taking the people in the woods and turning them into zombies.
We stopped here, with them resting inside the town for the night and planning to head out the next morning to investigate the woods further.
Not a lot extra to tell here. This campaign I really kind of threw the group together instead of having them all meet each other and work that out themselves.
Some DMs seem to prefer one method or the other, personally I think it depends on the group and the story itself. In the case of this story, the way they met seemed to be a better way to bring the group together.
That's about all for this session, not sure yet what the post from the DM tips and tricks front will be about, but it'll be something relevant and interesting...
Hope everyone is enjoying so far and keep tuning in for more!
Your Humble DM,
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